For us, determining and promoting
the " raison d'être ",
the " purpose " of your brand, your company, your organization, your policy is no longer enough to mobilize citizens, consumers, stakeholders and employees.
For us, the search for the " meaning " is also part of an approach to the past, because this quest is insufficient and incomplete.
It does not explain everything, far from it.
For us,
, what is decisive today is the " reason to act ", the reason to decide, to mobilize, to revolt, to adopt a behavior, to exercise a preference.
Your communications and engagement strategy must first identify what we call the " cause ". The one that inspires, the one that's carried high, the one that's pleaded for, whether it's major, great, noble or sometimes even on the verge of being lost.
Once your " cause " has been identified,
we'll put it together and embrace it to win.
and our values

Our agency was founded in 1987 by Thomas Marko, a 24-year-old student of public law and communications. At the time of its launch, he had already spent 7 years at the head of a cultural association organizing some fifty events, including novel formats (literary talk-shows in nightclubs, fashion shows, controversial debates, etc.). Drawing on this history, the agency's team quickly established itself with major brands, thanks to its creative approach combining events and media relations.
(Pilot of a literary talk show at the Palace. Philippe Léotard, Thomas Marko, Jean-Edern Hallier)

Gradually, our customers also turned to us to handle their corporate communications and crisis management, interested in the non-conformism of our solutions. Our CEO's legal bent has led the agency to become in part a specialist in complex and sensitive issues, and in sectors faced with societal acceptability.
(1664 by Starck exhibition at the Centre Pompidou for Brasseries Kronenbourg)

Combining the expertise required for brand strategies with services dedicated to governance, we have consultants from a wide range of backgrounds, accustomed to working together in project mode to implement integrated product and corporate strategies. Distinguished by a DNA combining boldness, rigor and commitment, our agency, led by a solid, committed team, constantly cultivates its singularity, independence, entrepreneurial dimension and benevolence.
(President François Hollande inaugurates Sarenza's new logistics center in Réau, Seine-et-Marne)

We'd like to start by thanking Puma, the world's 3rd-largest sports equipment manufacturer, which has inspired us so much and which we've supported for 32 years in terms of product and corporate PR.
and csr
As a member of the Syndicat du Conseil en Relations Publics (SCRP), we adhere to the highest ethical and deontological standards of our profession. We are signatories to numerous charters, including the Charte de la relation influenceurs, the déclaration d'engagement en matière d'utilisation des IA Génératives and the Charte de la diversité.
For its public affairs activities, our agency is listed in the register of interest representatives of the Haute Autorité pour la Transparence de la Vie Publique (HATVP). Supported by our Data Protection Officer (DPO), all our actions comply with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

Our CSR policy and governance (available on request) is guided by actions structured around several key areas :
Promote healthy competition and practices that meet the highest deontological and ethical standards ;
To be a player committed to well-being in the workplace, to offer jobs that enable our employees to achieve their full potential and to contribute to their personal development ;
Reduce the environmental impact of our activities, as well as those of our customers, partners and suppliers, by meeting or stimulating their sustainability challenges.
To guide our CSR actions, our agency has an ethics charter, an equality, diversity and inclusion charter, a human resources management policy, a supplier code of conduct, an environmental policy and a responsible purchasing policy (available on request). Thomas Marko & Associés has been AFNOR certified " RSE Agences Actives " (2 stars) since 2023 and " Influence Responsable " (3 stars) since 2024.
We have in-house referents who enforce our rules and lead action programs : Ethics, CSR, Psycho-Social Risks and Harassment, Responsible Influence, Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Among our

Support for abused children
Yesterday, alongside Enfance & Partage and SOS Children's Villages, our agency has been supporting the Fondation Action Enfance since 2010. Sponsored by Jean Dujardin and Marc Lièvremont, Action Enfance's mission is to provide long-term protection and education for children at risk. It welcomes 1,000 brothers and sisters together in its 15 children's and teenagers' villages in 9 départements, in a stable and protective environment. Our employees help to raise the profile and image of the foundation to encourage fund-raising, and our agency is also a patron of certain projects.
Discover Action Enfance
Promoting internal career paths
Since its launch, our agency has given young people a chance, whatever their training, background or culture. Our managers seek out talented interns and recent graduates and introduce them to the world of public relations, using a tried-and-tested mentoring system and giving them a great deal of responsibility for motivating projects. Many of our employees have launched their careers in this way and have progressed to key positions, step by step, after an internship or a first job. For example, our Managing Director Florence started out in the branch as a switchboard operator.
Discover our managers
Eco-design for publishing
Our agency produces a large number of publishing products every year. We encourage the reduction of the environmental impact of these editions by advising our customers to limit themselves to digital versions. When printed versions are nevertheless necessary, we propose eco-design. This is based on choices made at every stage of production: limiting the use of solid colors, giving priority to black and white photos, low-ink-consumption typefaces, paper from sustainably managed forests, vegetable-based inks, water-based varnishes.

A unique feature of our agency and constantly evolving, our network in France enables us to operate in and from the regions, as close as possible to local media, opinion leaders, elected officials, decision-makers, influencers and consumers.
Managed from Lyon, this network of agencies and experts helps us roll out national and international strategies in the regions, as well as promoting the influence and public relations of local players.
We also provide strategic support and implementation for restructuring and changes in scope at production sites or regional headquarters.
Thanks to our network of international partners covering more than 80 countries in the EMEA, Americas and Asia-Pacific zones, our agency can deploy on demand and manage the international coordination of communication and influence strategies. Depending on your needs, we can activate the IPREX network, which we represent in France, the network of public relations agencies of the ICCO (International Communication Consultancy Organisation) or the Confrad collective of the Venice Group.

An alumnus of SciencePo Paris, Thomas holds degrees in public law (Université Paris 2) and information and communication (IFP and CELSA). President of a student cultural association for 7 years, then founder of the agency, he has been advising major private players and brands for over 35 years on their reputation, influence and conquest strategies, as well as decision-makers in the public sphere. He is also an expert in issues of societal acceptability, crisis and transformation. A close friend of former minister Hervé Novelli, creator of the "auto-entrepreneur" status, he worked with the teams of Bruno Le Maire and Stéphane Le Foll at the Ministry of Agriculture. A former local councillor in the Centre-Val de Loire region, now based in Normandy, Thomas is Vice-President of the Syndicat du Conseil en Relations Publics.
From a family originating from Mittel Europa, eclectic in his passions, a lover of art, opera and gastronomy, a reader and traveler, an observer of society, Thomas is committed to the cause of enhancing the value of built historical heritage. Saint-Exupéry's phrase inspires him in his daily work: "It's not a question of foreseeing the future, but of making it possible".

In charge of the agency's support functions (finance, HR, legal, general services), Florence began her career 32 years ago alongside Thomas Marko and quickly became a partner. She began at the agency's reception desk shortly after its creation, and followed its development over the years. She moved on to a position as press officer, before quickly switching to the back office, which she has managed for 28 years. She is a pure product of internal promotion. With a degree in international marketing and management (IEMI), she understands the challenges of advertisers' communications and marketing. Florence is very concerned about compliance with the legal framework for communications and public relations activities, and more particularly with the ethics of our professions. She is the agency's ethics referent.
Born into a family of shopkeepers, with a grandfather who was an innovator in the food industry, she has a particular affinity for the issues facing this sector. Florence has been involved in the cause of child protection for many years, notably with the Fondation Action Enfance.

With a degree in communication and information (Université Paris 4), Vincent has been working for 20 years with CAC 40 and SBF 120 groups, as well as GAFAs such as Facebook and Uber. He started out at TBWACorporate as a consultant for the Carrefour group, Gemalto and SNCF. He then became Associate Director of ELAN Edelman, in charge of Nissan, PwC France, Manpowergroup and Orano. In collaboration with the agency's founders, he initiated and embodied the "executive support" and "crisis management" expertise for the Paris office. Vincent subsequently joined Euros Agency as Deputy Managing Director, responsible for operational management and development. In parallel with his activities, he has advised think tanks, public figures and entrepreneurs, and taught corporate communications (ISCOM Paris, CELSA). Vincent now heads up the agency's Corporate division.
Animal welfare is Vincent's most important concern. He invests his time in an association and takes part in actions to protect animals that suffer mistreatment.

"Well-informed men are citizens. Ill-informed, they become subjects". Erick makes his own this phrase by Alfred Sauvy, which clearly sets out the challenges of communication and influence. A graduate in auditing and management (Lyon 2 and 3 Universities), he builds bridges between companies and the institutional and political worlds, so that they can dialogue together. This exchange creates the right conditions for defending our customers' causes. A connoisseur of public affairs, Erick has worked as a local councillor in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region, as an assistant to national councillors and as an election campaign manager. In 2007, he helped manage the socio-professional networks of Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential campaign, before joining the Élysée Palace to draw up the President's Francophone mandate plan.
Erick is strongly committed to the cause of entrepreneurs, notably at Medef, in the Entreprendre network and with Entreprises à Mission, for which he chaired the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes regional association for two years. He is also deputy chairman of AST Grand Lyon, the main occupational health and prevention service for the Lyon metropolitan area.

Kevin holds a master's degree in corporate communications (Université Paris 13), and began his career at Matriochka Influences, where he was involved in the media coverage of the very first L'Oréal Paris fashion show on the Champs-Élysées. In 2018, he joined the agency's Lifestyle team to focus on PR and influence issues for clients from a wide range of sectors (food, retail, healthcare, tourism/hospitality, fashion, home decoration, associations, etc.). Ultra-creative and attentive to the visual impact of the activations he implements, he has no shortage of ideas for taking clients off the beaten track and making a lasting impression. Kevin is now head of consulting for the Brands & Products division. He is also the agency's Influence Manager.
Kevin is a fervent defender of the LGBTQIA+ cause. He actively campaigns for a more inclusive society where everyone can flourish without discrimination or fear of being judged. He is also particularly sensitive to the fight against harassment at school and at work. He is committed to creating a safe and caring environment, on a daily basis, for all the agency's employees.

Margaux holds a degree in information and communication (Université Rennes 2), a Master 1 in marketing and communication (Sup de Pub Paris) and a Master 2 in fashion design, marketing and brand strategies (INSEEC). After assignments with Christian Dior and Shiseido, she joined the PR agency Vianova as a consultant, where she worked with Unilever on its hygiene and skincare offer (Dove, Timotei...), the Léa Nature group, Picard and food brands (Herta, Tramier). At the agency, she leads the team of consultants in the Brands & Products division and advises clients in the retail, food, hygiene, health, beauty, fashion, decoration and tourism sectors. Margaux actively promotes responsible and sustainable practices, convinced that brands can positively influence consumption patterns.
Passionate about "eating well", she strives to promote healthy, balanced eating, both through her professional projects and her personal initiatives. For her, "eating well" is more than just a trend, it's a real cause that she defends on a daily basis.

Camille holds masters 2 degrees in public affairs and the social uses of law (Université Paris 2), European public affairs (ICP) and communications (ISCOM Paris). She began her career as a parliamentary assistant in the French Senate, working for a senator for French nationals living abroad. At the same time, she joined his political party to become communications manager for his campaign. She then joined the French Ministry of Ecological Transition, where she worked on communications for the ministerial cabinets (Barbara Pompili, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari) and the Ministry of the Sea (Annick Girardin) as a media analyst and crisis manager. She contributes to strengthening the agency's expertise in the fields of energy, environment, agriculture, industry and societal issues.
Camille supports the cause of freedom of expression, convinced that the media enable the general public to be informed and participate fully in debate. This commitment manifests itself in concrete actions aimed at protecting the rights of journalists, encouraging the diversity of voices that express themselves, and guaranteeing equitable access to information.

Aurélie has been supporting the agency with passion and enthusiasm for the past 18 years, contributing to its reputation and growth. With a degree in marketing and business management from IDRAC Paris, Aurélie has built up solid experience in the world of media, communications and operational marketing. For 7 years, she held various positions with Zenith (Publicis Media), NRJ Group, design agency Outsign and European food group Vandemoortele. In 2006, she joined the agency to reinforce its positive reputation, essential to the development of its business. Working closely with general management, Aurélie enjoys promoting team diversity and instilling a group dynamic in a benevolent environment conducive to creativity.
People are at the heart of the causes that drive Aurélie. She has a keen eye for initiatives to combat the social isolation and precariousness of the elderly. Convinced that "aging well" doesn't just happen, she actively supports projects aimed at improving the quality of life of seniors.