100 years together: yes, agriculture has a future
Who is it?
Consular organizations with the status of public establishments, led by 3,200 elected representatives involved in the agricultural, rural and forestry sectors, and employing 8,200 staff, the Chambers of Agriculture are present throughout France and overseas, and manage a consolidated budget of €750 million. Chambre d’agriculture France, the head of the network, is the interlocutor of the public authorities.
Which cause?
Improving farm performance. Meeting tomorrow’s challenges. The Chambers of Agriculture were created by a law passed by Joseph Faure on January 3, 1924. In 2024, the Chambers will celebrate 100 years of service to French agriculture. Heirs to a rich past – from agricultural reconstruction after the First World War to the arrival of new technologies and the challenges of global warming – the Chambers of Agriculture have had to justify their usefulness at every stage of their history. Their centenary is an opportunity to recall their role as a link between agriculture and society, between farmers and citizens.
What strategy?
Talk more about the 100 years to come than the 100 years past. Promote the commitment of the chambers and the expertise of their staff to meet the challenges of tomorrow: generational renewal, support for changes in practices, responses and contributions to new environmental challenges. We deployed a 360° campaign with print and digital visuals, a film, booklets “100 years at the service of French agriculture” and “100 projects for tomorrow”, content for social networks, audio podcasts, media relations, an event at the SIA, local kits and managed coordination with the network.
What results?
Above all, affirmation and recognition of the role of chambers today and tomorrow by public authorities and supervisory bodies, including consolidation of funding. But it also means raising the profile of chambers locally and nationally, and fostering a sense of pride in belonging among elected representatives and staff.